The traffic overall is pretty bad and the urban sprawl is mind-blowing (all those paddy fields and empty spaces we used to pass when we went by bus to school....replaced by houses and hi-rises). The subway (under construction) makes its presence felt in unexpected ways!
At home, I stole wireless network access yesterday morning, but the network was gone in the evening :-( - so it's back to dial-up (need broadband...need broad....band...). Cha!
I wake up too early in the morning - there's a temple here that has decided to blare the morning prayers to the whole neighborhood, and the dogs are also at their merriest in the AM. There's a broad variety of horn tones on vehicles ... some can actually shock you if you're not prepared!
The smells, the food, the people - however unfamiliar it seems ... it is all comfortingly familiar ...
Tickets from San Jose, CA to Bangalore, India - $1300
Great lunch at Google's Bangalore cafeteria - $0
Walk across the road from the flat to the office - priceless!
Walk to work - that's a luxury that the Google Bangalore employees don't have!!
"Walk to work - that's a luxury that the Google Bangalore employees don't have!!"
Well, you must experience Mumbai's work culture to experience this luxury that we Mumbaikar's possess! ;)
Hi Rajat,
I read that you are one of the presenters for the SearchMasters Conference. On the FAQ page http://www.indiasearchmasters.com/faqs.php it says that "The invite for the SearchMasters Conference will be made available on the site once you have completed the registration", however, I do not see a registration form on the site :(
Kindly let me know as to how to register for it.
Prashant Karandikar.
Yes, the page is up now, Thx.
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