So ... I just switched jobs. I returned my iPhone to my previous company last week, and got a new Android today - that's one week!
So, for the last week, I was asked to fish out an old phone for the transition period. I wanted to do it to ensure that the number was ported to my personal account. So I got my old G1 (the first ever Google Android phone - see above) from my gadget stash :-)
The ATT guy who set it up didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but he was professional as we both joked about it. The phone worked like a charm when he slipped in the SIM. The zombie was back to life and ... hungry. I expect he’d have had less success with my old first generation iPhone (which I also considered :-)) - 2G, no replaceable SIM.
Anyway - all last week, I actually used the G1 as … a phone! When did you last use your phone as a … phone? I didn’t even take the trouble to set up all the smartphone stuff.
I thought it would be a riot to show my new colleagues the zombie G1 and ask them if they could do mobile search on it. My new team is working on the next generation of mobile search!
I thought they’d laugh their heads off :-)
Not so. They were amazed - some of them had never seen the first Android phone - they were impressed (truthfully, a bit amused as well).
I made several phone calls last week.
As we race off to the future, it’s sometimes comforting to step back to the past. I gave this zombie one more shot! It was back to the future for a week.
How far… how fast…!